

Sam Dion

Sam is a five-year undecided engineer at Drexel and he is in his third term currently. Originally from South Jersey, he wanted to expand his horizons and do his schooling in Philadelphia. Based off his experiences so far at college, he is looking to acquire a degree in either civil, environmental, or structural engineering. Some of his strengths include mathematics and biology. Choosing to do the pedal box external project was a stretch since his strengths are far from mechanics. However, he is determined to work on his weaknesses to better himself as a whole. Being able to research how to make a functional pedal box and create it at a very low weight will strengthen his weaknesses that much more. On top of helping with the research, he will also be in charge of keeping the blog updated throughout the term.

Edward Dorsey

Ed is a five-year electrical engineering student who loves engineering. He likes long walks on the beach, The Notebook, and small fluffy animals. His favorite place is to go to the beach in Pennsylvania. He sword fights in his free time, but uses only his words to solve disagreements. He can slam revolving doors. He rides on the the back of his majestic bald eagle. Ed loves freedom and despises communism. Ed tends to his garden of exotic dragon fruit guarded by an actual dragon. He gets the princess to save HIM from the highest room in the tallest tower. Ed is right, even when he’s wrong and all other sources have to change to coordinate to the new updated facts. He was the first to suggest that the plural of moose should be meese and received a Nobel Prize for this. He turned Pizza Hut into Pizza Manor, with an indoor shark tank.   He is the physical embodiment of Sex Panther, and is banned in 9 countries because he actually works and is made of real panther. He was raised by wolves, and then taught lions how to peacefully hunt by using peer pressure to lure innocent gazelles to their deaths. He can grate cheese on his abdominal muscles and has kept Olive Garden in business ever since olives grew in gardens. Ed is too manly for the Backstreet Boys and taught them to go from Boyz to Men. He taught Michael Jordan how to play basketball and Bill Clinton to pick up women. 

Sean Kennedy

Sean is a five-year mechanical engineering student here at Drexel University.   He is from a rural area of 
southern New Jersey.  When Sean is not at school, he enjoys working on a 1969 Camaro that he is 

restoring with his dad and also racing go-karts competitively which he has done for the past six years. He is currently a member of Drexel’s Formula SAE team which essentially builds a racecar from scratch each year to a strict set of rules provided the Society of Automotive Engineers.  The team then competes against other schools from around the world.  Sean decided to take on the task of designing and building the pedal box assembly because it was a new and complex challenge to take on, and it was something that he never really did a lot of research on in the past.  Sean has experience with running a milling machine and a lathe which will be very important as most of the assembly will be made from raw materials.  Throughout this project he will have to learn how to use the built in analysis features of Solidworks.

Vince Bruno

Vince Bruno is a mechanical engineering major. His recreation activities include going to the gym, hunting, and target shooting. He decided to major in mechanical engineering because he is a firearm enthusiast and wants to experience the work associated with the designing of firearms. He has plenty of experience working collaboratively and has an interest in the Formula 
SAE projects. He loves the idea of being involved with a team that builds a race car from the bottom up. He knows the other members of the group and will work well with them. His goal for this project is to form a better understanding and appreciation of the work that goes into building car parts. This pedal box project provided an excellent opportunity for him to get real world experience, as well as broaden his skill set with machining and SolidWorks computer programming.

Dr. Tan
*still waiting on bio

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