Technical Requirements

Formula SAE Rules Pertaining to the Pedal Assembly:

T3.10.4   The 95th percentile male template will be positioned as follows: (See Figure 2.)

a.   The seat will be adjusted to the rearmost position,

b.   The pedals will be placed in the most forward position.

c.   The bottom 200 mm circle will be placed on the seat bottom such that the distance between the center of this circle and the rearmost face of the pedals is no less than 915 mm (36 inches).

d.   The middle 200 mm circle, representing the shoulders, will be positioned on the seat back.

e.   The upper 300 mm circle will be positioned no more than 25.4 mm (1 inch) away from the head

restraint (i.e. where the drivers helmet would normally be located while driving).


Measurements of 95th percentile male and 5th percentile female:



Di mension
Di mension
95th Percentil e Male
5 th Percenti le Femal e
Metri c             Imperi al
Metri c            Imperi al
Wei ght
102 kgs              225 #
49 kgs              108 #
Standing Height
186.5 cms          73.4 ins
151.5 cms        59.6 ins
Hi p Hei ght
100.0 cms          39.4 ins
74.0 cms         29.1 ins
Erect Sitti ng Hei ght
97.0 cms           38.2 ins
79.5 cms         31.3 ins
Si tting Shoulder Hei ght
64.5 cms           25.4 ins
50.5 cms         19.9 ins
Si tting Shoulder Width
50.5 cms           19.9 ins
37.5 cms         14.8 ins
Hi p Width
40.5 cms           15.9 ins
31.0 cms         12.2 ins
Shoul der Gri p Length
71.5 cms           28.1 ins
55.5 cms         21.9 ins
Foot Length - bare
28.5 cms           11.2 ins
22.0 cms          8.7 ins
Foot Wi dth - bare
11.0 cms            4.3 ins
8.5 cms            3.3 ins


Brake Pedal:


T7.1.8     The brake pedal shall be designed to withstand a force of 2000 N without any failure of the brake system or pedal box.  This may be tested by pressing the pedal with the maximum force that can be exerted by any official when seated normally.


T7.1.9     The brake pedal must be fabricated from steel or aluminum or machined from steel, aluminum or titanium.



T7.3        Brake Over-Travel Switch

T7.3.1     A brake pedal over-travel switch must be installed on the car as part of the shutdown system and wired in series with the shutdown buttons. This switch must be installed so that in the event of brake system failure such that the brake pedal over travels it will result in the shutdown system being

activated and controlling the systems as defined in Part IC Article 4 (IC vehicles) or EV5.4 (electric vehicles).


T7.3.2     Repeated actuation of the switch must not restore power to these components, and it must be designed so that the driver cannot reset it.


T7.3.3     The switch must be implemented with analog components, and not through recourse to programmable logic controllers, engine control units, or similar functioning digital controllers.


T7.3.4     The Brake Over-Travel switch must be a mechanical single pole, single throw (commonly known as a two-position) switch (push-pull or flip type) as shown below.


T7.4        Brake Light

T7.4.1     The car must be equipped with a red brake light. The brake light itself has to have a black background and a rectangular, triangular or near round shape with a minimum shining surface of at least 15cm².

The brake light must be clearly visible from the rear in very bright sunlight. When LED lights are used without a diffuser, they may not be more than 20mm apart. If a single line of LEDs is used, the minimum length is 150mm.


T7.4.2     This light must be mounted between the wheel centerline and drivers shoulder level vertically and


Throttle Pedal:


IC1.5.6    A positive pedal stop must be incorporated on the throttle pedal to prevent over stressing the throttle cable or actuation system.


IC1.5.7    The throttle pedal cable must be protected from being bent or kinked by the drivers foot when it is operated by the driver or when the driver enters or exits the vehicle.


IC1.5.8    If the throttle system contains any mechanism that could become jammed, for example a gear

mechanism, then this must be covered to prevent ingress of any debris.















            Generally, the entire assembly must be easily adjustable to fit a 59.6” female to a 73.4” male.  The actual pedal must also be able to be easily and comfortably used by an 8.7” long foot to an 11.2” long foot.  They must also be spaced apart enough that a pair of 4.3” wide feet will not overlap, but also will be within the frame of the car.  The brake pedal specifically must be able to withstand a force of 2000 N, or 450 lbs with no substantial deformation of the assembly.  A brake over-travel switch must be mounted behind the pedal incase the brakes fail; the engine will shut-off.  The gas pedal must be able to safely pull on the cable, while holding the exterior sheathing in place. The pedal must also be sprung to return to its off state when no force is applied from the driver.  Overall, the rules for the brake pedal are more elaborate than the rules for the gas pedal.   





Works Cited



2015 Formula SAE Rules, 09/17/2014 Revision , SAE International., Warrendale, Pa. ,2014, pp. 25-76






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